These are my three-under archery finger tabs. I recommend them for string-walking shooters as well as traditional archers. The layers from the bottom to the top are suede followed by calfskin or cordovan. There is a base on top of all these layers. The tabs are custom-made according to the strength of your bow. The thickness of the tab can be developed by adding another layer in case of calfskin tabs. Cordovan doesn’t require this, because due to its very good mechanical features it can be thickened well. Comparing the two materials we can say that calfskin is good but cordovan is the best. The tabs are available in 6 different sizes (S, M, M with longer face, L, L with longer face and XL). If none of them suits you there is still a customised size option.
I recommend them for traditional archers. The layers from the bottom to the top are suede followed by calfskin or cordovan. There is a stiffener on top of all these layers.
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